Reporting of Settlements and Arbitration Awards
Legislation signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger revised the LATC’s existing statute regarding the reporting of settlements and arbitration awards. Assembly Bill 2256, Chapter 564, by the Assembly Committee on Business and Professions became effective on January 1, 2007.
The law now requires, “a licensee shall report to the board in writing within 30 days of the date the licensee has knowledge of any civil action judgment, settlement, arbitration award, or administrative action resulting in a judgment, settlement, or arbitration award against the licensee in any action alleging fraud, deceit, negligence, incompetence, or recklessness by the licensee in the practice of landscape architecture if the amount or value of the judgment, settlement, or arbitration award is five thousand dollars ($5,000) or greater.”
Reports must be sent to the LATC within 30 days of the landscape architect having knowledge of the triggering event (e.g., settlement). Below are links to view the language and obtain a reporting form.